: Wednesday January 6th 2021

Page 7-- Arturaidheacht "Tir-An-Air"

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Translation by Sean O Cionfhadla

" Great Hunt" There were three sons of the Emperor of Greece, whose names were Diombilianus of Greece, Don Giusadi Mor of Thessaly and Don Clariano of Spain. One day the Emperor and the Queen and the nobles of the Kingdom went hunting in the woods and a magic mist came over them and they went astray. And there wasn’t a person among them that wasn’t scattered from each other every one of them. Later in the day, the eldest son, Diombilianus, and his cousin met up. His name was Don Orseiliu. They met up together and the two were walking and they came up to the Queen, the mother of Diombilianus. They went together, something not to be wondered, and they followed the three of them a narrow thin path and the queen followed on behind. Later when Diombilianus looked around he saw that his mother had been knocked by a bear. He ran back to save the mother, but as soon as he reached near enough to her, the bear left the mother there and ran away. Don Diombilianus ran after the bear so as to get satisfaction for whatever he had done to his mother. However the bear escaped and went down a hole in the ground and went out of sight to his abode under the earth.
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